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Prepare Your Case With Help of Medicaid Fraud Lawyer

January 1 2016, 14:37pm

Prepare Your Case With Help of Medicaid Fraud Lawyer

When the government comes calling because they have suspicion to believe you are gaming their system, they are going to act quick and thoroughly to investigate the claims. Regardless if the system triggered a red flag or an anonymous person filed the complaint against you, by time you receive notification in the mail, the investigation has already be going on long before. This means you need to secure the services of a professional medicaid fraud attorney as quickly as possible to risk paying the ultimate price.

Finding the Reason for the Trouble

Your Medicaid fraud lawyer understands what the causes can be for this issue, but they will need to read the documentation that you got from the investigators to know how to best answer these charges. In many cases it can simply be a matter of the mailing addresses and your current address not matching, you now live in a jurisdiction different than that in which you filed and the application was never properly updated. On a more serious note, not listing assets or claiming you made less than you actually do is grounds for serious charges.

Fighting to Repair the Damage Done

Your Medicaid fraud lawyer knows that timeliness is definitely important when responding to the government. If you do not respond properly by the date they request, a judge can and will hit you will the most serious of penalties. Not only could you lose benefits, you could be subjected to paying back everything you ever received, or on a more serious note, you might even be subjected to jail time. Your lawyer is your best defense against getting a more severe penalty even for a small issue if you try to go to trial alone or ignore the letter altogether.

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